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My Lions Gate Journey: the Mother Wound and Feminine Power

From doubt and questioning to clarity and birthing from wholeness

Yowza, we are moving through some really intense energies right now! How have you been faring through it all?

Known as the Lions Gate, the first half of August peaking on 8/8 is always a very potent time for me. The number 8 is all about leadership, power, harmony and abundance. And, since 2024 adds up to 8, this year we had a triple dose of it!

No matter how much I think “this year will be different,” I always seem to find myself surprised to be face down in the mud, confronted by old, deep patterns and wounds. And I always come through the other side of it in awe and appreciation for the brilliantly orchestrated “opportunities” to see, feel and clear more of those layers, and to embody even more of my own power, clarity and love.

For me, this year’s theme was all around the Mother Wound and feminine power.

Although I didn’t see it coming, it makes perfect sense now….

As I invite pioneering leaders into the very powerful womb space of the Soul Song Sanctuary ~ all around birthing the next iteration of yourself and your unique impact in the world ~ I needed to clear whatever was keeping me from being as aligned as I can possibly be with my own feminine power in holding that container.

From the beginning, I’ve been sensing that this will be a very potent group program, and what I’ve just navigated through only underscores that!

My Lions Gate experience has allowed me to tune in even more deeply to the soul song of the Sanctuary. As I’ve been asking how to best serve this container and the powerful leaders who will be participating in it, here’s what came through so clearly:

  1. The Soul Song Sanctuary is specifically for 6 powerful women ~ those high-achievers who know what it takes to “succeed” in the masculine-dominant world and are now resurrecting their feminine and connecting with the incredible power that naturally streams through the union of their masculine and feminine.

  2. The Sanctuary is meant to be a 3-month experience, rather than 6 months.

Listen in to this episode as I share the multiple threads that wove themselves into a perfect storm impeccably designed for me and my mission {although it sure didn’t feel that way when I was stumbling my way through it!}.

I imagine you will see much that resembles your own experiences with these cleverly disguised opportunities for greater expansion and wholeness. Please share how you’ve been navigating through the choppy waters, and what you’re experiencing as you emerge on the other side of the storm. I love hearing from you!

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And, if it calls to you, feel into the Soul Song Sanctuary. Is one of those 6 seats waiting for you to claim it as yours?

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Regenerating Leadership
Regenerating Leadership Podcast
You know there’s a better way to lead ~ one that doesn’t require sacrificing the well-being of yourself, your team and the planet ~ but it can be challenging to know how. Join former lawyer, corporate executive, business owner & entrepreneur Holly McCann as she shares a variety of solo sharings and deep-dive conversations with pioneering leaders to explore some of the ways they are aligning with Nature's principles to generate more life and vitality in their work and the world. Published at least monthly, each episode is loaded with inspiring yet practical information to support you in your journey of regenerating leadership ~ so you and your organization can fulfill your mission and thrive.
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